Friday, March 27, 2015

Where'd the week go?

No weekend ramblings this week. I've been sick, Danny's now sick, and Han is being a punk-ass baby. How dare he have growth spurts and regressions?!


I friggin' LOVE Mindy Kaling. She's my spirit animal. Well along with a unicorn of course. But I digress. Needless to say, blogging wasn't my top priority. Well as this week winds down, I think it's high-time I post SOMETHING. How about a Han Bon milestones update? This kid is just shy of a year old! Dang, am I right? Let's just say this has been a trying, but wonderful year. I mean, look at that lil' beasty. I just realized I forgot to post his 10 month milestone photo, so these two will be combined. It all sort of blurs into each other any way.

  • He has 4 teeth that are fully out, but 2 more on top that slowly but surely crawling on out.
  • His hair is out of control and I love it! Although, he still could use some more.
  • Walking all over the place per usual. 
  • He was eating squeezy packs, but when those other 2 teeth started cutting through he wanted nothing to do with them and we still can't get him to eat one. Ugh.
  • His eating habits aren't habits because he mainly suck on his bottle with bits from our dinner here and there - but he still doesn't properly swallow the bits.
  • As of late, he's super cranky. I think he's going through a growth spurt or teething or BOTH. 
  • He still sleeps well, but this last week has been tough.
  • He loves getting into stuff. He now knows how to open drawers and cabinets. So yeah, we had to add those baby-proofing things to stop him.
  • He gets a real kick at of not listening to us. I sure can't wait till he can listen to us. And by that I mean when we say "no," "bring it to mommy," "go play with your toys," etc.
  • He talks up a storm. I mean, it's jibberish but he sure is trying.
  • He knows how to turn off the light switch when we bring him to it. 
  • He climbs up his favorite blue chair with no probs. Well, he does use his mini-Darth Vadar chair as a stepping stool. 
  • One of my faves: he HUGS!!! It is such an amazing feeling to have him wrap his arms around me and squeeze! *insides burst into a spray of confetti*
  • He waves hi and bye. He loves waving to the cats. In fact, he loves his furry siblings. It's so cute.
  • He has favorite commercials: Kaiser, Mountain Dew Kickstart, and Toyota (I can't find the video, but it's in the snowy mountains and there's a guy singing acapella). Whenever they come on he perks up and runs to the TV. Sometimes he dances. So cute.
I'm probably missing some stuff, but I'm pretty sure I hit all the big, funny, and nonsensical milestones. Basically, it's crazy seeing this kid grow and he's so super cute. We love him so much even though he tests our patience on the daily. Lil' punk. But Danny and I are total suckers for that beasty. ♥

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