Friday, March 13, 2015

The quirks and perks of a post-baby bod: perks edition.

"My cup runneth over...ok, not really, but sorta."

As my belly grew so too did my breasts. But I figured they'd go down to my regular 34B size once I finished breastfeeding. I mean whenever I gained weight the boobs always stayed the same. Thanks Obama. Well, I guess pregnancy is the trick because these bad boys are now 36C and don't appear to be going anywhere. Of course if I lose weight they may shrink too. No biggie, I was happy to be a 34B.

"Good thing I run hot now and never need to wear a sweater because I want to show off this hella cute shirt."

This is the flip side of now running hot (post-Han) instead of cold (pre-Han). If I forget my jacket or sweater, no biggie, I won't freeze and will happily enjoy my meal at a fine temperature. Also, some shirts and dresses I own, have cute sleeves or lacy bits on the back and I never got to show them off pre-Han because I was always cold! Well, I get to saunter around with them on display now. Word.

"And we're back to regularly scheduled periods."

It is nice that my cycle is just as regulated as it was pre-Han. Even though I used to be able to tell when I was actually going to start bleeding, it's nice to know that Flow still visits the same time every month. Also a bonus in case we decide to have another in a few years.

"Damn, look at all this cute shit! Must buy it ALL!"

Killer Curves
All clothes from either ASOS, Forever 21, or Target in their Curve/Plus Size sections

Now that I'm curvier, I do a lot of online shopping in that section and dude! SO MUCH CUTE STUFF! I was worried I'd never find cute things that would fit me anymore. Yeah, wrong. There's so much now I have to steer clear of online shopping sites. Also, I find myself gravitating toward dresses a lot more now than I did pre-Han. I used to be so self-conscious about showing my "fat" "gross" legs. Now I don't give a F to a U to a C to a K! If the dress is cute and in my size - GET ON MY BAAAH-DEE!" I seriously never felt so stylish as I do now, and I gotta say, I'm feelin' it. Don't get me wrong, I want the muffin top to go but not the curves.

And there it is, folks. I'm sure stuff is missing, but so far these are the things that have stuck out the most for me.

Any other mamas out there have post-baby body quirks and perks?

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