My sister, Valerie practiced a hairstyle on me for my upcoming nuptials. She used a clampless curling iron and gave me this sideswept boho chic look. I loved it and knew immediately it was the hairstyle for me. I of course forgot to take a good photo of the hairstyle, but there's always my wedding day for that. It was nice to hang out with them. I sort of wish we could have stayed longer, but Danny had a show in Oakland and my mom and sister can get super loud and say super catty shit to each other. Hashtag: I'm out!
This what Han and I do while his Daddy is away. He was a bit of a cranky boy since we forwent his naps in order to hang in Modesto. We tried (unsuccessfully) to put him down in his cousin's room. Next time we need to come armed with his pack n' play, blankies, and sound machine. Hopefully with familiar sounds and scents he'll go down. It works at Danny's parents' house anyway.
I had to ask my friend to go, which I felt bad about, but the stress of it all was starting to rattle me. After she left I relaxed, changed his diaper, gave him some baby Motrin (he felt very warm and he has a tooth cutting in), a watered down bottle, cradled him and just chillaxed with him in his room. He drank maybe an ounce and after five minutes of touching my face, he started to snuggle up close and I knew he'd actually go down and stay down this time. He did. Phew.
The whole ordeal only took an hour, but when you're in it, it feels like the friggin' Hundred Years War! My friend left me cookies which I devoured. That's unsweetened vanilla almond milk from Trader Joe's. It's so yummy! Am I the only one that thinks it tastes like the milk left in your bowl after eating Coco Puffs - but like a better, cleaner, colder version, obvs.
After last weekend's Austen lecture I attended, I've been reading this bio and plan on re-reading her novels once I finish. I find myself only reading teeny bits right before bed. I tend to get too distracted with my phone and the TV. Once we put Han down, I have 2 hours of free time. I really need to start dedicating a full hour to reading every night. Plus, I get to have regency-filled dreams - at least during this month's reading selection. My goal is to read 1 book per month. Golly that can't be that hard, right?! Netflix, I shake my fist out you!
I took an On-Call Librarian shift at the Public Library on Sunday and couldn't wait to end this weekend. There was a lot going on. Some good, some not so good. Ok, well time to wrap this post of weekend ramblings up. To end, here's the OOTD segment - enjoy!
OOTD brought to you by Han Bonurrito! He likes to go shoe-less when he's home. This is my new favorite shirt on him. Damn, I love that kid.
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