Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekend ramblings: March edition.

I worked Saturday and Sunday. All proceeds to go to my wedding on April 18th. It was a long exhausting weekend. I did get to attend Authors on the Move at the Hyatt. A $225 affair that was $0 for me. I was lucky enough to have an in with one of the author's - woot woot! It was fun and the food was super yummy.

Ate grits (re: fancy grits) for the first time and I'b be happy to eat them again. Dessert and the hooch were festive and delicious. It was a great night for such a good cause. Daniel Handler was the keynote speaker and he was as delightful and askew as his novels. 

I got to see what Beth Ruyak, host of Capital Public Radio's Insight looks like. I actually never thought to look on the site, but it was fun to finally put a face the voice in person. Also, who doesn't love a Hook reference?! Classic film from my childhood. I always get a stirring of emotions while watching it. Anyhoots, I felt like such a grown-up attending said event. 3 different California authors sat at our table to discuss their books: Todd Borg, Joanna Rowland, and Anne Leonard. 

I think my Nana would highly enjoy Todd Borg's detective series, Joanna Rowland's kid's book was very sweet, and I really want to read Moth and Spark. I mean, dragons, meet-cute in a library, and the supernatural, SIGN ME UP! Not sure if I'll ever attend another one of these events (they happen annually), but I loved attending this one. Now I need to read the the book by the author who invited me! 

While I worked, Danny and Han visited the Grandparents. Mainly so Danny could help his Dad clean up for our soon-to-be nuptials. Han just hung out working that adorable face.

Damn, he's cute. Well, that's it for this installment. To close, here's an OOTD. This is a new dress from Target that I love, but looking at these photos, I'm not so in love with the wrinkle factor. I'm also thinking it needs a statement necklace. Something with color. Oh well. Yeah, Danny and I were having fun with this dorky photo op. Yes that's a cat in the bottom right-hand corner. He's clearly in awe of my awesomeness...or he simply wants me to let him out of this charade (said in uppity British voice). Cats, so judgey.  

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