Friday, April 3, 2015

There's just too damn much happening.

Can we just take a mo' to see how effin' tired I look?! I feel it, but didn't realized I looked it! I need a vacation.

Uh, so yeah. Another week has gone by without me posting. I'm so crazy busy with wedding planning and Han's first b-day planning. Well, the latter isn't so much as planning as it's knocking off crap from the list below (which I wrote and then emailed to Danny):

Clean - dust,vacuum, spotbot couches/chairs, wash windows
Decor - organize better, take down brown envelope holder thing and maybe change it to something cuter
Spruce up media center - fix shelf thing, set record player up, paint cord cover and put it up, wash glass
Bookshelf - organize better, dust
Get any of your music stuff out of there (e.g., guitars, amps, etc.)
Add Han's shoes to shoe cabinet like you said? Will they fit?
Baby-proof once and for all! (hanging lamp area, media center drawers, add baby gate, etc.)

Finish painting {yeah we repainted our dining room from this to this - much happier}
Clean - wash windows, vacuum, wash bookcase glass, wipe down ceiling fan blades
Organize bookcase and credenza better
Hang art
Move outside trash bins away from window so we can have it open w/o looking at bins

Clean - dishes, counters, stove top, wash window, wipe down trash can
Organize the eff out of the counters
Hang art
Maybe paint? (BM Mother Earth color?) Not crucial, but if we have time maybe? We could easily crank this out in 2 nights

Clean - dust, vacuum, wash curtains, wash bedding, make bed
Organize side tables better (I really want this for my side)
Hang IKEA lamps (once we get them)
Hang guitar things
Remove clutter
Maybe get storage ottoman (this or this) for desk and move chair out to dining room?

Finish painting
Hang up photos

Clean - Handy appt on Monday will take care of this bit, so the bathroom is the one room we won't have to worry about.

Clean - dust, vacuum, wash window
Organize desk
Declutter the FUCK out of this room
Hang up fallen bookshelf for decor items
Go through Han's dresser again (get rid of most if not all of his onesies)
E-Waste your computer?
Organize books above desk by color again (I miss it and it's so visually appealing)
Hang up art
Paint mountains (not as crucial, but would be cool to finally get this done)

It's basically my to do (wish) list in hyper-drive. A lot of stuff we crossed off since I posted that to do (wish) list, but then things fall behind and new ideas pop up. So, yeah. With any luck we'll knock it all out before April 12th. I will take ton of pictures and FINALLY have a before/after post(s). For now, my head's spinning and I'm having heart palpitations. Will it all get done in time?! Gawds, don't even get me started with our wedding crap!

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