Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Weekend ramblings: March edition.

I have once again lagged on posting. But life, man. It does things to a person and, well, next thing you know, blogging is put on hold. Last week I was dealt a heavy blow and this weekend I attended a funeral. It has been a whirlwind of emotions to say the least.

Because I want this place to maintain some sort of semblance of consistency, I'm going to be diligent and post at least this one time for the week...but probably more. I do have something waiting in the wings that I started last week. Ok, without further ado here is a light smattering of my ramblings...


There were a lot of feels happening this weekend. Han also had a fever and was a major crank-butt the whole weekend. He did have moments of respite seen above. Actually, we both are - let me be fair, I was a major crank-butt too, although for different reasons. 

Han's Auntie Cray-Cray had a birthday, so we made sure to show her we cared via Facebook. This was photo was taking after we attempted to lift our spirits by breathing the fresh air and feeling the sun dapple our cheeks. Well, all was well and good until nature decided to bitch-slap me and I've been sneezing and blowing my nose ever since. I swear I've never had allergies until I got older.

And finally, here's an OOTD that sums up the end of our weekend pretty perfectly.

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