Thursday, February 26, 2015

Yes, I want to wait 4 years before another one is ripped from my loins.

So, my kid is now 10 1/2 months old. Yeah, I know I'm due for a milestones update but for now I wanna talk about this bizarre phenomenon (ok, probably not that bizarre) where people like to tell parents with a child who may have another in 3 to 4 years that that's too far apart for siblings. Does that make sense? Well, just in case here's how it'd go in a play:

(Open on me sitting across from her in cafe. Clinking and light talking heard in background. I take a sip of black coffee as she starts talking)

Her: So you think you guys will have anymore?
Me: Yeah, maybe. (Takes sip of coffee) But not for like 3 or 4 years.
Her (aghast): No! That's too far apart.
Me: Well, I want Han to be able to pee without assistance and be able to listen and understand when I tell him he needs to go play in his room and stuff.
Her (said resolutely): Yeah, but it's so worth having them closer in age because then they'll be the best of friends and go play together and really be out of your hair.
Me: (Looks out at audience and takes a gulp of coffee with a look of derision)

And scene.

This scene brought to by...

Egads, I can only imagine what the folks who concretely plan on only having the one have to go through.

More often than not this conversation is prompted by a non-parent or a parent whose kids are in their thirties. And hey, I know they mean well. It's just a funny situation I've found myself in more than once. Obviously peeps can pop 'em out as close together or as far apart as they like, but for Danny and me we wanna wait until Han can pretty much fend for himself or well as much as a 3.5/4-year-old can fend for himself. Plus at that age, dude can help a mutha out! Amirite?! This is where my thinking goes.

And then there's cost. Kids ain't cheap! Having 2 attending daycare even if Danny and I both work, makes my head spin. Living on one salary was always a temporary solution for us, so having entire paychecks going to daycare scares the bejesus outta me. No thanks. By the time we have another one Han will be old enough to attend public preschool. For free. F-R-E-E. So we'd only have to pay for 1 kid at a time to attend daycare.

Anyway, who's to say they won't be the best of friends?! 4 years isn't that far apart. I'm very close to my youngest sister who, you guessed it, is 4 years younger than me. Danny and his sister are 3 years apart and get along extremely well. Am I crazy to think 3-4 years is like nothing?! 

WTHeck! Our baby is just that: A FRIGGIN' BABY! We have time to plan and think and even decide ONE is enough for us. That being said, yes I'm a bit of a control freak so (as seen in the paragraphs above) I do have a loose plan running in my head. For our family waiting a few years is what's gonna work.

For now, I'm just focusing on watching my lil' dude grow and develop. Yesterday, he just started petting Monpetit "gently" after I showed him how. The pride that came shooting out of my eyes could cut marble! Please, you lovely, well-meaning folks, allow me to relish on these moments for a few more years. Your first kid is only your first the once.

What about you? Have you dealt with a situation like this? What was your reaction?

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