I friggin' LOVE Mindy Kaling. She's my spirit animal. Well along with a unicorn of course. But I digress. Needless to say, blogging wasn't my top priority. Well as this week winds down, I think it's high-time I post SOMETHING. How about a Han Bon milestones update? This kid is just shy of a year old! Dang, am I right? Let's just say this has been a trying, but wonderful year. I mean, look at that lil' beasty. I just realized I forgot to post his 10 month milestone photo, so these two will be combined. It all sort of blurs into each other any way.
- He has 4 teeth that are fully out, but 2 more on top that slowly but surely crawling on out.
- His hair is out of control and I love it! Although, he still could use some more.
- Walking all over the place per usual.
- He was eating squeezy packs, but when those other 2 teeth started cutting through he wanted nothing to do with them and we still can't get him to eat one. Ugh.
- His eating habits aren't habits because he mainly suck on his bottle with bits from our dinner here and there - but he still doesn't properly swallow the bits.
- As of late, he's super cranky. I think he's going through a growth spurt or teething or BOTH.
- He still sleeps well, but this last week has been tough.
- He loves getting into stuff. He now knows how to open drawers and cabinets. So yeah, we had to add those baby-proofing things to stop him.
- He gets a real kick at of not listening to us. I sure can't wait till he can listen to us. And by that I mean when we say "no," "bring it to mommy," "go play with your toys," etc.
- He talks up a storm. I mean, it's jibberish but he sure is trying.
- He knows how to turn off the light switch when we bring him to it.
- He climbs up his favorite blue chair with no probs. Well, he does use his mini-Darth Vadar chair as a stepping stool.
- One of my faves: he HUGS!!! It is such an amazing feeling to have him wrap his arms around me and squeeze! *insides burst into a spray of confetti*
- He waves hi and bye. He loves waving to the cats. In fact, he loves his furry siblings. It's so cute.
- He has favorite commercials: Kaiser, Mountain Dew Kickstart, and Toyota (I can't find the video, but it's in the snowy mountains and there's a guy singing acapella). Whenever they come on he perks up and runs to the TV. Sometimes he dances. So cute.