Thursday, February 19, 2015

Stuff I wanna get my kid.

I'm in better spirits today! Yay! Just an off day on Tuesday. My apologies, folks. Anyhoots, lately I've been thinking about all the cool stuff I wish I could get my kid. You know, if money wasn't an hindrance and all. So for funsies, I created a mood board collage of some stuff I'd like to get my kid to either wear, play with, or decorate his side of the room with (since he shares it with our office jank).

Stuff for my kid

And in case your interested, here's a "stuff" list in a semi-left-to-right break down:

Some things on that list are pretty attainable (re: pants=bought), but other things are bit ridiculous price wise (re: storage ottoman). At any rate, it's fun thinking up things to get my kid. There's so much fun, cute, and absurd (re: totes our family-style) stuff out there! 

What kind of things do you wanna get your kid?

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