Today is one of those days where my perk-level is pretty low and I have no idea why. Could it be due to the movie popcorn I ate by the handfuls yesterday? Or the gluten-free cake? Or maybe it's because I haven't got my fitness on in a few days? Maybe all the above?
Danny and I successfully sent off our wedding invites, so you'd think I'd be pretty ecstatic. Well, I was over the weekend but perhaps I'm coming down off that high? At any rate, I didn't want to go without blogging for so long and although I'd rather this be a lighthearted, giggle-fest there are going to be some days where that just ain't happening.
Thankfully, seeing Han, I know, will brighten my spirits. Maybe not completely but at least when I'm around him.
For now, I'm looking forward to tomorrow and I'm trying to lift my spirits by looking at the images below.
Fishermen at Sea image
Unicorn puke image
Dachshund image
Colin Firth image
Book and cup of tea image
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