We tried purees of fresh veggies, rice cereal (and yes, mixed with formula), mashed shit in those meshy thing-a-ma-bobs, and baby-led weaning (BLW). BLW is the only thing that seems to be working, but Han still has trouble with properly swallowing. When easily swallowable bits happen to hit that uvula of his, let me tell you, GAG CENTRAL! He gags himself so hard he vomits. #palmtoface
Ok, and let me be honest here...Danny and I, well, we really aren't the best at keeping up with a schedule. We REALLY need to work on that because it could be why Han isn't taking to solids as well as we would like. I think we just need to shake ourselves out of our twosome routine because well, we are a threesome now (ew, get your heads out of the gutter!).
Our new pediatrician suggested we see a speech pathologist, which we did. Once. Oops. I really need to schedule that next appointment. The first one went well (according to Danny - I had to work). She said he's definitely interested in food, so that's a plus. We just need to monitor him and get back to her with how he does.
So starting today, we get him on a schedule - otherwise known as a new routine for all parties involved. Crap, I forgot we are more than a threesome! We're a fivesome! Pentasome? Or however you would say it, minus the sexual connotations, obvs.
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