Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mama beauty can and does exist with the reclamation of ME-TIME.

When I was baking my boy, a friend of mine gifted me a Parents magazine subscription. I never thought I'd love flipping through a mag dedicated to child-rearing, but there ya have it. One area I sort of found odd was the section on beauty. There are make-up tips, hairstyle tutorials, and even fashion suggestions. I looked, thought it was odd a section more slated for Real Simple than a parenting mag existed, and moved on every month without any more thought.

Well, as a mama now, I TOTALLY get it! For months I've neglected any beauty routine I had in favor of sleep, breastfeeding, and any other new-baby-in-the-house duties. It's been 9 1/2 months, and we have established a pretty good routine. Han sleeps through the night, takes regular hour+ naps, bottle-feeds himself (I mean, we still make the bottles), diaper changes "ain't no thang," and he can entertain himself for a good long while - in other words, the dust has settled. I find I have time on my hands. Wow. Never thought it'd happen - says every new mom, I'm sure. Haha.

So that's why that section in Parents magazine exists. It's for all the mamas out there who have reclaimed their me-time and want to fall back into a beauty routine or heck, start one! Because let's face it, feeling good about oneself can be a bit difficult when your hair is endlessly in a sloppy (re: not cute) bun, dark circles haunt you with every glimpse in a mirror, and the only clothes that seam to fit are stretch pants and your future hub's sweatshirts.

It's kind of nice of Parents magazine to remind me that it's ok to be a mom and have a beauty routine that makes you feel good. That doesn't necessarily mean I have to style my hair, do my make-up, and be fashion-conscious EVERYDAY in order to be one hip mom. It just means, if I want to and since I have the time, why not put on some foundation, throw my hair up in a messy (re: chic) up-do, and don a pair of fabulous statement earrings?

Unashamed work selfie (filters included because the lighting in my office SUCKS)! I'm getting there. My brows are OUT OF CONTROL, but I have an appointment on Saturday to tame those wild animals. And I'm going to practice filling them in even! I must admit, it's nice having the time to get pretty even if my baby beasty and future hubs don't care what I look like. :)

How do you like to spend your me-time?

Parents magazine issues: March 2014; August 2014; & October 2014 (Han hands not included ;)

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