Friday, January 23, 2015

As old as it took me to incubate him.

It's been a crazy week. I started weaning myself off Zoloft and let me tell, my hormones are CRAY CRAY. Nothing as bad as before I started the Zoloft, but I can definitely tell my brain is trying to settle into the new dosage. Basically, I'm super antsy. I just applied for my dream job and I was bouncing off the walls with excitement, nervousness, stress (happy and not so happy), and anxiety. Dang man, it was exhausting! Once I turned the application in, I finally cooled down a bit.

Hence my belated post about Han's 9 month milestones. I must say, I'm happy we waited to take his photo for the weekend and in the light of day. I didn't even use an Instagram filter! This is definitely my fave of the series thus far and no, it's not because my stems make an appearance. Although this happens to be my birthday month and I got to choose his outfit and record and the color of words are kinda my fave, so there's all of that. In regards to my record choice, Han will be a super fan of the semi-local Joanna Newsom in his very near future. I simply CAN'T WAIT till we belt out "Inflammatory Writ" together! YouTube, look out! Well, without further ado, here are my lil' beasty's monthly milestones:

  • Practices walking, constantly!
  • Climbs on everything. His fave thing to do as of late is climb up on his Darth Vadar chair and look out the window with his feline bro, Monpetit. It's sort of the CUTEST. 
  • He continues to suck on food, but has yet to successfully swallow bits on purpose.
  • Babbles "mama" and "dada" like it's never going out of style. I'd like to think he now associates those words with us. Just the other day, I sat on the floor in close proximity to him and he looked over, smiled wide, and started walking/crawling over to me all the while squealing: "MAMA!" Heart. 
  • He's super hyper and LOVES when he can escape our makeshift baby gate.
  • While we watch TV, read, or play on our phones he'll happily entertain himself with his toys - at least for an extended period of time before he begs for our attention.
  • Although he can hang in his Pack n' Play for a good while, when he's done he ferociously squeals and shakes the railing like a possessed baby. It's very Chucky-esque; i.e., adorable. ;)
  • Received his Polio vaccine. Well, the first round. 
  • Teething, but still no teeth. That's why his fingers are in mouth and he's started sticking his tongue out again and blowing raspberries.
Hmm, guess that's it for now. Remembering this stuff is super hard. I suppose I could make it easier by keeping a journal nearby, so I can write down his milestones...but that's like so early 2000s. Ugh. And because she's my fave and her unique musical talents need to be spread around, here's Ms. Joanna majestically crooning the delightful "Inflammatory Writ."

And heck, why not - here she is at the Inherent Vice premiere in a swoon-worthy ensemble.

And because I'm clearly obsessed with her and the title of this song is the year of my birth, here's a video of her performing one of my favorite ditties off her most recent album. 

What a beaut.

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