Well actually, Saturday the 24th was my day o' birth. It was a low-key affair and that was fine with me. Hung with a couple of mama buddies and my gorgeous baby beasty. Danny made me vegan banana bread for my b-day cake and it was super yummy and ever so comforting. Mmm.
So yeah, another year. Another day of rumination. I just can't help it. This year my thoughts went to friendships and kindness. I have friends and I appreciate them dearly, don't get me wrong. But sometimes, I can't help but think about that one friend I lack. The one that feels like an appendage, you know what I mean? And yes, I feel that way with Danny but he doesn't count. I'm talking about that hardcore bond with a gal I'm not sexually and romantically involved with.
I look at the world around me and I meditate on the negativity that tends to cloud people and then I just start craving kindness. Kindness can definitely be elusive at times. And being acerbically sarcastic from time to time is always a hoot, but everyday and to the people you love? Heck, even to strangers who haven't done anything harmful or nasty. SMH. Doesn't seem right. Mindy Kaling brought up such a good point in this article, "The time I waste on being mean could be better [spent] on thinking up a fun workout playlist or finding a cool recipe for my slow cooker." YES! My sentiments exactly.
I don't know. Perhaps it's my old age, but is it so wrong to want kind people in your life? I'm not saying all the people in my life aren't kind, I just feel like I'm missing that one friend who is beyond kind. Who teaches me to be kinder and appreciate things MORE, but at the same time shares the same interests as me. A person who is so close to me we finish each other's
Maybe the crux of this feeling of mine is my recent obsession with Parks and Recreation. Well, duh. I guess it took me writing about it to have an "ah-ha!" realization. And here's that realization: I want Leslie Knope for a BFF, dammit!
I'm 34 now and I find myself having this heart-wrenching longing for a friend I can call at all hours of the night for advice, gossip, and celebrity bashing. Who lives super close. Someone who is genuine and KIND. A gal who openly and joyously celebrates our friendship as much as I do. Is a person like that fiction? Will I ever meet my Leslie Knope? Am I having a mid-life crisis 20 years too soon? Maybe finding someone like that is like dating - meaning, I'm just gonna have to put myself out there to find The One.
Ok, so that folks is the end of my "birthday thoughts" segment for at least another year. But if I could impart one thing to you, gracious reader, it is this:
Ovaries before brovaries image
It's cool image
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