Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekend ramblings: April editions, vol. 3

First and foremost, did y'all witness this UH-MAZING trailer?! Ok, if not, do yourself a favor and click play.

CHILLS! Am I right?! I was just tickled that this came out during our wedding week. I mean that's how you know it's meant to be. *hand to chest*

Ok, well. Danny and I tied the knot after our 5 year journey together as an unmarried couple. And it was a wonderful experience and I'm so happy we did it. Our professional photos, which were taken by our friend aren't ready yet, but for now here are some from our family and friends.

{This is a little preview from our friend who photographed our wedding}

The wedding took place at Danny's folks' house in Elk Grove. I love their place and knew that's where we should get hitched. Their backyard overlooks their neighbors pond. It was such a pretty day.

Here I go down the aisle with my dad. I'm flanked by both sisters too - haha. My processional song was "Love Came Here" by one of my favorite musicians. 

I made it without tripping! My flower crown, bouquet, and Danny's boutonniere were made from clay! So pretty and it'll last forever!

Our first kiss as a married couple!!! Danny's bff, Cody married us. He was an excellent officiant. Our recessional song was this silly little ditty (fast forward to 11:28). It's from one of ours and Han's fave cartoons. Even though Han was napping during this time, it's like a part of him was with us as we walked off. 

Food! We had vegan tamales with rice and beans from Emma's in Sacramento and Danny's mom made a delicious salad. We also had chips and salsa for our peeps. I really wanted an all-vegan wedding, but when you have other (re: amazing!) people purchasing foodstuffs you gotta let it go. So there was a crock-pot of nacho cheese and sour cream next to our Tofutti sour cream. Ah well. Most of it was vegan though and all of it was YUMSVILLE! 

Here we are in front of our cake and cupcakes. My friend from college, Leah made us a vegan cake and vegan cupcakes. They were so YUMMY! She's such a fantastic baker! There are cupcakes in the catalog drawers as well. That was Danny's super cute idea.

Here's a close-up of the desserts and our cake toppers. I got the idea (among so many others) from Pinterest. The cake was lemon with raspberry filling. It was decadent and to our liking. Mmm.

Speaking of Pinterest, here's another idea it gave me: Polaroid guest book! We had props too that Cody's crafty wife made. Hopefully our photographer got a shot of them. They were so cute. 

We had everyone clip they're photos onto twine with clothespins. We had an old wood ladder and so did Danny's dad. I loved the DIY rustic feel of the guest book presentation. Thank the gods for Pinterest! 

Here's the immediate family: Enseles (Han was napping during this photo shoot unfortunately. Oh well, I'll call him out on it for the rest of my life - ha!), Sambranos, Valencias, Lindmarks, and last but not least, Taylors! I know those are a lot of last names, but suffice it to say my side of the family would have one gnarly looking family tree.

Here's Danny and me with my Nana and Papa. I'm so happy they were able to make it all the way from Boulder City, NV. My friend Rachel (who made the signs) gave us that print along with tickets to see The Decemberists on May 1st - woot, woot!!!

Here's our first dance, which was to Big Star's Thirteen. It was lovely. I remember when we first got together and I heard this song, I told Danny this would be a great first dance song. And it totally was. I'm sure we weren't the first, but it was still special nonetheless.

I was trying to get Han to smile. He wouldn't take his second nap, so he was a but grumpy. He lightened up after her finally did nap. In fact, he really became the life of the party.

Sisters selfie! Valerie's my youngest sister who did my hair and eye makeup. Girl's got talent when it comes to a smokey eye.

We're VIRGINS! My friend put her shawl over the both of us for reasons unknown, but I thought it was pretty funny. 

Here's what I like to call "Twilight." I love how the filter our friend used. The trees in the background speak to me. I'm feelin' it.

Han looking super dapper per usual. ;) I had his outfit picked out at the same time I had mine. Those New Balances looked adorable on him. Definitely worth the splurge.

Here's Han trying to get his mac on. Unfortunately, Clementine was unimpressed. Better luck next time, kid.

Han and his uplifting hair. His hair, his expression, and even his outfit remind me of Eraserhead. So awesome. 

Han was a party animal (his bedtime is 7pm, but this night owl was up till 9:45pm!). He loved screaming into the mic. It had us all in stitches. It was also the perfect ending to a perfect day.

When I got home, I really didn't want to take off my flower crown. It's funny, I almost talked the lady who made this out of making it for me! She insisted and threw it in for free. I am so thankful she did. It was my favorite part of the whole ensemble - ok, well actually the dress was number 1, but the flower crown was definitely number 2. 

And there you have it the #ensbranowedding. It was a glorious, but intimate affair (only 40 guests). I may post our fancy, professional photos once they're finished and even include the whole ceremony that a couple of people captured for us on video. Danny and I and Han had so much fun. My boys looked so handsome. I 100% married into an amazing family. I'm a very lucky girl. 

Feel free to barf now. ;)

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