Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hey, you gonna blog or what?

Yes, I've slacked a bit on this here blog-o-roo. I kept meaning to post. Honestly. But then, life. You know? As I've said before, April was a whirlwind of a month! Han's 1st b-day, my wedding, and interviewing for my dream job. Well, that's finally all over. But wait, you might say. It's already the 13th of May, so what gives?

Well, one of the 2 interviews didn't pan out. The first one was to get on the eligibility list and the second one was for a Teen Services Librarian position with a library branch. BUT, I was called in to interview for yet another Teen Services position at another branch the first week of May. Well, the day after that interview, I was offered the JOB!!! Yes, I'm doing some goofy dance moves about it - what?! Don't judge. 

So now I go from being a Law Librarian to a Teen Services Librarian - woot woot! And maybe that seems like a step down or something, but if you're Librarian than you get it. No Librarian job is a step down - it's just a step toward the type of services you endeavor to work in. For me that's being a Teen Services Librarian. I'm still in awe that I got that job! I mean the eligibility list was for Youth Services, so I assumed Children's Librarian. See, their aren't many Teen Services Librarian positions out there but their are several Children's Librarian positions. But I nabbed a Teen one!!! That was my focus in library school (yes, you have to go to school to become a librarian. In fact, it's a Master's program).

Anyhoots, that's been the major focus for me the last few weeks. Now I'm counting down the days until May 30th! I decided it's been way too long since I read a YA novel, so I FINALLY read:

And of course it was an UH-MAZING read! I can't believe it took me so long to read this! I remember when it came out and a friend of mine kept raving about it. I guess I was basing it on the cover. I know, I know! Never judge a book by its cover, but when I saw it all I could think of was The Indian in the Cupboard and no thanks. Boy was I so wrong. The themes include poverty, race, alcoholism, and friendship. This is such a funny, sad, and poignant read. Yeah, highly recommend. 

Then to keep the momentum going, Danny bought me this one for Ma's Day:

And talk about SWOON! Hashtag feels! Haha, yeah it's about high school love but there's more than just a make out session going on in this book. It's about dysfunctional families, being young, being different, accepting being different, and falling in love with another person's differences. It's a bittersweet read and it takes me back to the feelings I had when I read The Perks of Being a Wallflower when I was in high school. In his review for The New York TimesJohn Green said the book, "reminded me not just what it's like to be young and in love with a girl, but also what it's like to be young and in love with a book." Thanks, John Green. Per usual you are so right on. And thanks, Rainbow Rowell for delivering a rather simple story in a complex way. I didn't want it to end and when it did, I was pissed. Haha - I mean not by the ending necessarily, but because I didn't want to let it go. I'm STILL thinking about it. 

I started reading another book (an adult book):

And I find myself drifting back into Eleanor & Park's world. Maybe I should have delved into another YA novel. But I had read The Rook was like Harry Potter for adults. It's part epistolary, which I HATE unless I'm reading a book from the late 1600s. But, I'll chug through it since it's a library book and all I have at the moment. Should have gone with a John Green palate cleanser like Paper Towns before moving onto adult novels. Haha. Next book. ;)

And because this picture cracks me up, here's Han with my friend's kids (they came down from Oregon for a quick visit):

He looks so teeny! But he loved playing with a couple of big kids. Well, I'm going to try and get back on my at least 2 posts a week schedule. So stay tuned. :)

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