Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Catching up on the ol' milestones.

I figure it's important to track Han's milestones and my memories of him for each month. I'd like to say that since becoming a parent my memory has gone to shite, but really it was shite pre-pregnancy. That being said, if you wanted to know who directed a movie or what actor starred in such-and-such film I could pull that out from the recesses of my brain in a flash. But I digress. He's now a little over 4.5 months old, so I'm gonna try my darnedest to make note of every milestone for each month that I can...here it goes: 

  • Han cried like the dickens during the day, but was a great sleeper at night.
  • The sound of running water was the only thing that calmed him.
  • I had to constantly hold him.
  • I watched a lot of TV as I swayed with him. Shows of note included: Big Love; The Sopranos; and Wallander (BBC version).
  • Breastfed this little dude, but he chomped down a wee bit too tight.
  • I too cried a lot during the day. 
  • Danny was and still is my rock.
  • My step mom, Danny's mom, and my sister were and are my heroes.
  • He loved to stretch every morning after we'd unzip him from his Woombie. 
  • Overall this first month was very difficult, but worth it. 

  • After finding out I suffered from postpartum depression, I started supplementing with formula.
  • I had no problem introducing him to a bottle.
  • He became a completely different baby and gained weight! 
  • He still slept very well during the night and only woke up twice for feedings.
  • He started smiling (well, he really started at like 6 weeks).
  • I started picking up on when he was hungry, tired, or bored.
  • His bubbly month turned to a drooly one. 
  • He's wiggling all over the place.
  • He gnawed on his mitts constantly!
  • He started holding his head up.
  • Had his first vaccines and he only cried for like 10 seconds - what a champ!

  • He started grabbing for stuff.
  • Loved to stand - assisted of course.
  • Started cooing and gurgling - so friggin' cute!
  • We moved him to his crib in the office/his room and had no issues.
  • He would wake up only once during the night for a feeding.
  • He's such a happy baby and that makes me so elated; especially since the first 6 weeks were so HARD.
  • He lost his hair! :(
  • He now naps, which I thought this lil' alert dude would never nap.
  • He found his toes and likes putting 'em in his gob.
  • 2nd round of vaccines and still took 'em like a champ. The pneumococcal vax left him with a tender spot on his leg for like a day. 
  • He rolls over, but once on his gut he can't roll back onto his back.
  • We switched him out of the Woombie and into jammies (this was like a few days before his 4th month out the womb).
  • When his sees Danny or me he gets the biggest smile. 
  • I often find myself looking forward to when he wakes up so I can see him smile at me.
  • I went back to work and Danny became a stay-at-home-daddy!

  • He now eats 8oz four times a day.
  • He sleeps through the night without waking up for a feeding.
  • His squealing can be ear-splitting at times, but always hilarious.
  • He appears to enjoy Young Indiana Jones since his dad puts it on while he's in the Mamaroo and he squeals with joy.
  • We can leave him on a blanket or his playmat while cleaning, relaxing, taking a bathroom break, etc. 
  • He's so close to sitting up on his own!
  • He rolls over all the way now, but only in his sleep - WTH.
  • I still look forward to him waking up in the morning so I can see his smiley face and smell him. I love his Han smell, mmmm.
  • He can prop himself on his elbows for longer stretches.
  • We now ergo him without the infant insert. 
  • His bald spots are filling in - slowly, but surely.
  • His drool is OUT OF CONTROL - haha!
  • When I read to him he seems to enjoy it.
Any other milestones that pop up I'll be sure to include in his 5 month post, but otherwise I think I'm all caught up. I know a lot of folks say things like "stay little" or "stop growing so fast" but I'm not quite there yet because I CAN'T WAIT for him to sit up, walk, talk, dance, eat solid food, joke, roll his eyes at me...shoot, the list is hecka long. Regardless, I sure do love watching that lil' bugger grow.  

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