Thursday, October 16, 2014

He's half way to one whole year!

Han is now 6 months. I'm not going to lie, it felt like 6 months was FOREVER away. Now I look back and think: "wow that was a hot second." Everyone kept telling Danny and me this, but when you're in the thick of newborn insanity it's hard to remember it will all boil down to a teeny blip in this lil' dude's existence. So let me catch up on what this bundle of mayhem has been up to these past couple of months:

  • Sitting up like a champ!
  • Gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth - he wants to crawl so bad.
  • We give him sips of water.
  • He's back on the pacifier (there was a short stint where he didn't want it).
  • We all experienced sleep regression and it ain't fun.
  • Lowered the crib mattress because someone was sitting up on his knees in it!
  • Putting him down to sleep just got harder.
  • Danny and I had a couple meltdowns, but we survived. 
  • Flirtin' it up.
  • Just getting more and more adorable.

  • CRAWLING! I can't believe this developmental milestone came about so quick. He actually started a week before he was officially 6 months. 
  • Standing up with the help of table ledges, his daddy's back, or cat-scratcher. 
  • First library trip with Daddy. 
  • Chomping like a madman on anything and everything...teething much?
  • His last feeding of the evening no longer knocks him out, so we let him crawl around for a bit to tire himself out (sigh).
  • We plan on feeding him solids very soon.
  • Still flirtin' it up.
  • Still regressing. Ugh. He's lucky he's so good-looking. ;)
  • Danny and I also started signing "milk" to him. More signs to come. 
Ok, I think I'm all caught up now. Some things I'm hoping for in the next month: back to sleeping through the night, teeth finally emerging, and getting my butt in gear and finishing his friggin' room!   

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