Monday, October 27, 2014

Wait, a post not about Han?

Strangely, I have embraced interior design. Oh ho-ho, by no means am I an expert. No, no. My education on it has come from tons of HGTV and blogs. As of late I got a bug up my pa-toots to re-do our bedroom. I hated the lavender gray color I thought was gray-gray when I bought it - ROOKIE MISTAKE! And it just started feeling kind of BLAH. After devouring the blog House*Tweaking, I found myself loving her master bedroom design choices. I started tinkering with ideas in my head and then I created my first mood board:

master bedroom

1) bedding, coverlet, paint color 2) Picasso print 3) blanket 4) deer skull 5) swing-arm wall lamp 6) stock photo from Sleep Train 7) IKEA Expedit - no longer in stock 8) nightstand 9) storage bench 10) chair

Eh, not that best but I certainly felt proud of myself. At any rate this board incorporates items I already own with ones I hope to purchase. I wanted our room to come off a lot more sophisticated than it did. Because I knew the process was going to take time and because we are chronic procrastinators and because of $$$ I made sure to use items we already owned that hung out in other places in the house.

The first thing we did was paint. Now that I sort of understand the differences between grays (I personally like grays with more green than blue) I couldn't wait to get the paint rollers out! We chose Benjamin Moore's Rockport Gray:

We of course painted a swatch on the wall and debated between other grays, but ultimately this was the gray that stole my heart and Danny just had to fall in line. Of course once we painted a wall he fell in love too. Well, here are some "still in progress" photos:

Eventually I'd like to change out the nightstands and table lights with the ones on my mood board or at least something close (re: cheap) to those items. I'd also like a bigger bed with either a headboard or mid-century modern like bed frame. I may just have to make do with a headboard until I make my gahjillions to afford something as spiffy as a mid-century mod bed frame. A girl can dream.

I plan on getting rid of that mirror. I need to find a new place to hang my necklaces. In fact, I should probably go through them and part ways. Also, the Billy bookcase that holds my sweaters and shoes needs to go too. I plan on going through and donating as many items as possible. The goal is to replace the bookshelf with an awesome print we have, add a chair, a small table, and a record player. Baby steps.

That there is Danny's record collection. He also has a deer skull I hope to set in the middle of the shelf. I may add other little decor bits here and there, but the focal point will be the skull. I have a Murphy vanity. It's a great space-saver, but the front of it could easily display a cool print or something. I'd also like to hang other art pieces in that corner. On top of it sit my jewelery box and earring holder. Another de-cluttering project. I hope to keep the top of the vanity for art or other knickknacks. I also plan on getting rid of that mirror on the floor and hot pink trash bin. I'd love to get remove the ceiling fan but we're renters, folks.

Gosh, looking at these photos makes me think I need to learn how to use a more profesh camera - iPhone snapshots aren't cutting it. Well, maybe it will once I upgrade to a 6 - ha! At any rate, I'm happy with the progress and sure hope I can finish it before Danny and I pay for that ol' marriage license. Our efforts are now focused on baby-proofing and finishing Han's room, which seems more prudent since our kid is a mover and a shaker now! Sheesh that was fast. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

He's half way to one whole year!

Han is now 6 months. I'm not going to lie, it felt like 6 months was FOREVER away. Now I look back and think: "wow that was a hot second." Everyone kept telling Danny and me this, but when you're in the thick of newborn insanity it's hard to remember it will all boil down to a teeny blip in this lil' dude's existence. So let me catch up on what this bundle of mayhem has been up to these past couple of months:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Catching up on the ol' milestones.

I figure it's important to track Han's milestones and my memories of him for each month. I'd like to say that since becoming a parent my memory has gone to shite, but really it was shite pre-pregnancy. That being said, if you wanted to know who directed a movie or what actor starred in such-and-such film I could pull that out from the recesses of my brain in a flash. But I digress. He's now a little over 4.5 months old, so I'm gonna try my darnedest to make note of every milestone for each month that I it goes: 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ripped from my loins: Han's birth story.

Of course I had a birth plan. And of course I was super flexible, but one thing I new for certain was that I wanted a drug free, va-jay-jay birth with a good friend as my birthing coach and of course my baby daddy. Funny that no matter how flexible you think you are sometimes even the most hell-bent of us falter. So was my fate. Sigh.

On April 12th around 3:15pm, Danny (my partner in crime and baby daddy) and I were about to leave our humble abode to meet his folks for a pre-birthday din din for his mom. I even put on make-up for the first time in weeks! Well, before we trotted out the door I decided to blow my nose. Now, anyone who knows me knows that when I blow my nose Louis Armstrong's got nothing on me!

So it's no surprise that my trumpeting nose blow broke my water. It wasn't a geyser shooting out my crotch; more like a leak. I cleaned myself up and decided to head to dinner anyway because I read when women have a leak it takes a while for labor to really start. Plus, I really wanted to buy Han a coming home outfit (yeah we waited till the last minute, what?).

This is super long, so click the jump if ya want to keep going...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Allow me to introduce you to my son.

His name is Han. Yes, as in Han Solo. We're huge Star Wars fans. His middle name is Amado after my dad. He was born on the same day as his paternal grandma (different year o' course!): April 13, 2014.

I still plan on doing a "to do (wish) list" update post as well as a birth post. Not sure in what order yet. Probably the latter first since it's been almost 4 months (say what?!) and my memory ain't the best. It's crazy looking back at Han's first-few-days-on-this-Earth photos because he looks so different now! Most notably, he has waaaaaaaaay less hair.

Here's hoping I'll be better at keeping up with this here blog-a-roo since it's really my "baby book" and I want to look back at my lil dude's milestones. Maybe I'll even get another post up before the end of this month - cray cray! However, please don't hold it against me if I don't. Shanks! ;) 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Belly poppin' to rib muscle poppin' - it's the latest craze.

So at 36 (almost 37) weeks I'm feeling mighty huge, but pretty thrilled that the day I get to meet my lil' dude is fast approaching. I find I'm easily overcome with emotion when I think about holding him, watching his little extremities move about, and hanging out with him and his daddy. We are hoping he arrives on time or late since his pops just started a new job, but the anticipation is killing us!

We had our 3 (yes, 3) baby showers. Well, my family's shower we missed because 2 nights before I popped (literally, I heard it POP!) a left side rib muscle. It hurt and I needed assistance with moving around. I couldn't laugh or cry because deep breaths were excruciating. Basically the whole ordeal sucked, but great labor prep for my man. He was great taking care of me and giving me words of encouragement. I don't know what I would have done without him there.

As for the showers we did make it to, we had a blast (my dad and step-mom were kind enough to bring up our gifts the following Saturday). Baby showers are quite exhausting, but good food and lots of laughs. My soon-to-be-in-laws' family shower took place last Saturday and it was fun. Great food too. My hubs-to-be's uncle made a big frame where we would pose with every guest using goofy props. It was tiring, but fun.

The shower on Sunday was hosted by my friend Lauren and she did a fantastic job with decorations, prizes, and food. She made an amazing vegan ranch and spinach dip, vegan cupcakes, and micro mini taco salad bowls with lentils. So super yummy! We had it at our place and it was nice to show off our digs and the man's hard work. It was also the first party we ever hosted at our place, so that was exciting too. Seeing family is nice, but it was I have to admit having friends around to celebrate our soon-to-be-son was pretty special. They were also the group that pretty much stuck to our registries, so mad props to our compadres! 

And not that I'm ungrateful, but the gifts were sub par at best. Barely anyone went off our registries! I can't help but feel annoyed by that. We got tons of clothes! The one thing we didn't need at all since friends have donated a huge amount to us. Oh well. Now it's just about squeezing in time to go through everything and return what we don't need. If I could go back in time, I'd have our hostesses include a "no clothes needed" disclaimer on the invites.

Currently our place is pretty much ready for baby. I plan on taking photos and my next post will include my "to do (wish) list" update (hopefully).     


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I've been remissly neglectful, but let's get back on the baby bakin' train.

Blogging is tough. I don't know how peeps make money off blogs?! I can barely keep up monthly! I probably should set up a schedule, right? I mean that's gotta be how the professionals do it. Ok, let's hold ME accountable with a couple precise guidelines:

I will write at least 1 post a month. I mean that can't be hard right?
And this post will be posted no later than the first weekend of the month.

Ok, now that that has been established I want to update any reader, but mostly myself on my baby bakin' status - you know, for posterity purposes and well, shits and giggles.


To be honest, both pix are just a few days before I was 30 and 33 weeks (I'll be 33 weeks on Feb. 13th) but close enough. I guess it's pretty clear the bump is growing. My pregnant sister (she's 5 weeks behind me) convinced me to take maternity photos next weekend with her. I feel like the bump photos my man are taking are enough, but then I guess I'm a sucker for outside, woodsy photos. We're going to a town called Knights Ferry. Will showcase photos in a future post.


Still piddling, still dealing with the bloat, but clothes haven't been too bad since I went thrifting! Finding maternity clothes at a thrift stores can be a little challenging BUT I just shopped in the XL or XXL section and found tons of cute stuff (yellow dress in photo above for instance)! Hopefully I'm set for the remainder of this pregnancy.

One thing that hasn't let up is the mid-back pain. Ugh, it's so annoying. I'm trying to avoid buying yet another pregnancy apparatus, but a maternity support belt may be in my future. After watching this video I think this is the one for me. It looks easy to put on and doesn't take up my whole lower half. I tell ya, some belts look super complicated and I wouldn't be able to wear them under clothes. Hopefully by getting one the pressure I feel on my back will lessen. I can barely drive longer than 10 minutes before I'm in agony!


We've definitely got a lot done (and by we, I mean my future hubs). I'll do a separate post with updates and photos for each room. I mean my due date is coming up and my partner in crime will be working again come next month. The race is on!


Like all soon-to-be-moms, I've been reading up on pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding, vaccinating, and eventually parenting. I sure do miss reading fiction. Here's my list thus far:

Although not a pregnancy or post-pregnancy book, The Fellowship of the Ring is one I'm also trying to squeeze in as a source of escapement. Unfortunately my escapement these days is pretty minimal. I believe I'm less than 100 pages in. *Sigh* I'll fit it in some how! I'm currently trying to read The Nursing Mother's Companion, but my attention just ain't like it used to be. I'll try tackling it again this weekend.

So far my favorite has been The Vaccine Book. It's extremely informative and easy to read. Highly recommend. Next on my list will be parenting books. I should probably start researching which ones will best meet my needs; i.e., the ones that promote easy-peasy sleep plans, how your kid will watch TV with you without really watching it, and raising a quiet, super smart child in 1 easy step. Those exist and truly work, right?


Money is my number one stress. I've had multiple freak outs regarding the financial side of having this kid. See, I switched jobs and although the end game at my new job is way better than my previous, I had to take a pay cut. This was something not factored into my "knocked up plan" but after weighing the pros and cons taking this path makes more sense. Big picture, folks. It's just going to be super tight until next tax season - ha.

Day care was another scramble and money issue. My friend and neighbor was originally going to watch my boy, but she has since decided to go back to work, so there goes that money-saving plan. Well, after numerous projected budgets and a couple day care tours we found a place that meets ours and our future baby's needs. Unfortunately it comes at a hefty price; however with careful budgeting I think we'll be ok. I hope we'll be ok. Jesus, I hate venturing out into the unknown sometimes. *GULP*

I've found the best thing to do is keep positive because at the end of the day I get to snuggle up with my son. I get to watch him grow. I get to experience being a mom and as sappy as all that may be, I'm pretty fucking excited about it. 

Piggy Bank Image