Yes, I've slacked a bit on this here blog-o-roo. I kept meaning to post. Honestly. But then, life. You know? As I've said before, April was a whirlwind of a month! Han's 1st b-day, my wedding, and interviewing for my dream job. Well, that's finally all over. But wait, you might say. It's already the 13th of May, so what gives?
Well, one of the 2 interviews didn't pan out. The first one was to get on the eligibility list and the second one was for a Teen Services Librarian position with a library branch. BUT, I was called in to interview for yet another Teen Services position at another branch the first week of May. Well, the day after that interview, I was offered the JOB!!! Yes, I'm doing some goofy dance moves about it - what?! Don't judge.
So now I go from being a Law Librarian to a Teen Services Librarian - woot woot! And maybe that seems like a step down or something, but if you're Librarian than you get it. No Librarian job is a step down - it's just a step toward the type of services you endeavor to work in. For me that's being a Teen Services Librarian. I'm still in awe that I got that job! I mean the eligibility list was for Youth Services, so I assumed Children's Librarian. See, their aren't many Teen Services Librarian positions out there but their are several Children's Librarian positions. But I nabbed a Teen one!!! That was my focus in library school (yes, you have to go to school to become a librarian. In fact, it's a Master's program).
Anyhoots, that's been the major focus for me the last few weeks. Now I'm counting down the days until May 30th! I decided it's been way too long since I read a YA novel, so I FINALLY read:
And of course it was an UH-MAZING read! I can't believe it took me so long to read this! I remember when it came out and a friend of mine kept raving about it. I guess I was basing it on the cover. I know, I know! Never judge a book by its cover, but when I saw it all I could think of was The Indian in the Cupboard and no thanks. Boy was I so wrong. The themes include poverty, race, alcoholism, and friendship. This is such a funny, sad, and poignant read. Yeah, highly recommend.
Then to keep the momentum going, Danny bought me this one for Ma's Day:

And talk about SWOON! Hashtag feels! Haha, yeah it's about high school love but there's more than just a make out session going on in this book. It's about dysfunctional families, being young, being different, accepting being different, and falling in love with another person's differences. It's a bittersweet read and it takes me back to the feelings I had when I read
The Perks of Being a Wallflower when I was in high school. In his review for
The New York Times,
John Green said the book, "reminded me not just what it's like to be young and in love with a girl, but also what it's like to be young and in love with a book." Thanks, John Green. Per usual you are so right on. And thanks, Rainbow Rowell for delivering a rather simple story in a complex way. I didn't want it to end and when it did, I was pissed. Haha - I mean not by the ending necessarily, but because I didn't want to let it go. I'm STILL thinking about it.
I started reading another book (an adult book):
And I find myself drifting back into Eleanor & Park's world. Maybe I should have delved into another YA novel. But I had read The Rook was like Harry Potter for adults. It's part epistolary, which I HATE unless I'm reading a book from the late 1600s. But, I'll chug through it since it's a library book and all I have at the moment. Should have gone with a John Green palate cleanser like Paper Towns before moving onto adult novels. Haha. Next book. ;)
And because this picture cracks me up, here's Han with my friend's kids (they came down from Oregon for a quick visit):
He looks so teeny! But he loved playing with a couple of big kids. Well, I'm going to try and get back on my at least 2 posts a week schedule. So stay tuned. :)