Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dang, that post per week is harder than I thought.

Turns out that 2 hours I have while he naps ain't always 2 hours. Plus, I eat during that time and sometimes I dabble in cleaning the house or battle that elusive beast called laundry (or Handry when it's Han's clothes). Anyhoots, not sure anyone but me is reading this here blog but it'll be a good reminder when I reflect back.

Currently the kid is napping. I'm home from work until my mother-in-law gets home to watch him so I can go into to work today. The kid has Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. #fml. Let's hope we can avoid the finger/toenail falling off stage.

I think he's waking up now, so I'll end it here. With any luck I'll have that Toddlerdom Challenges post up on Monday. Fingers crossed.

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