I'm behind a couple weeks, so to make up for it I'm going to do vol. 2 now and then vol. 3 maybe (fingers crossed) tomorrow. I did get married over the weekend, but that juicy post will have to wait
until tomorrow just kidding, it will have to wait until TODAY. That's right, 2 posts in one day. Ok without further ado, here are my ramblings from last weekend:
Someone became a ONE-YEAR-OLD.
And someone no longer has to take monthly photos. PHEW! They were getting to be such a hassle with this lil' dude's go-getter abilities. I'm happy we did it, but I'm also happy to have this project finished. I can't believe
YHL did this WEEKLY?! Bitches be cray. And I mean that in the most endearing way.
We celebrated Han's b-day with a donut social. You can see our invite
here. And you can see a few photos here:
We had his b-day party in between his naps. So the mini-photo in the upper left is him leaving his bedroom after waking up; the one in the upper right is him utterly confused in what's happening; the bottom left is his joy at seeing peeps; and the bottom right is (I imagine) his awe at how many peeps are in his living room without him noticing during his nap. Ha! Dang that kid of mine is so cute.
{Note: you can see in the background our credenza that had coffee and donuts on it. I stupidly forgot to photograph it. Ah well.}
Here's his cake that I made. I followed this
recipe and it came out super good! My sister kindly finished the rest of the cake Han didn't eat - Haha! I actually plan on making more for this weekend's garage sale ventures (assuming it doesn't rain). I used Tofutti Cream Cheese and drizzled some brown rice syrup on it as well. I have to say this recipe was so super easy to reproduce! And thank the gods because I was STRESSED OUT the week leading up to his birthday and really even on the day. However, I cooled my jets as soon as everyone arrived.
And here we all are as one happy, ridiculous, and goofy fam-bam. Han still isn't the best eater, but he definitely enjoyed the cake, which of course made me fill up with joy.
We decided to have him smash/eat his cake in the living room since our dining room is very small. In order to avoid smashed cake in the carpet we put a vinyl table cloth under his chair. Worked really well.
After the smash cake festivities, Danny gave Han a quickie bath. He definitely needed it and it was a bit of treat for him since he LOVES bath-time.
Present time! Which is also Danny's favorite time. He happily helped Han open his gifts. Han of course was more intrigued with the wrapping paper, bows, tissue paper, and boxes.
Those are a pair of Star Wars headphones that he won't be able to use for a few more years, but his Auntie Val Vals couldn't resist getting them for him. Danny said he'd keep them warm for Han until then.
Another gift from his Auntie Val Vals, which he loves! He even played with the instruments right after opening it. So cute. My sister has us singing "Happy Birthday" to Han, so I'll add that video once she sends it to me.
Overall, Han's first birthday party went very well. I'm so happy with how his cake turned out, how he enjoyed it, how the house came together (finally!), and how awesome it feels to have a kid who's ONE. Wow.
He went from this (at his 2 month doctor's appointment):
To this (lounging with his morning bottle and his grumpy-looking dad who isn't really grumpy):
Danny acts like we don't get 8+ hours of sleep, which we do! We are supremely lucky in that regard. Thank the gods we have a good sleeper! We certainly got him on a schedule pretty early on, like at 3 or 4 months. And boy has it held up. I guess this one-year-old hipster is a keeper. ;)
Now excuse me while I go cry. Watching your kid grow up...damn that shit is emotional!