Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ripped from my loins: Han's birth story.

Of course I had a birth plan. And of course I was super flexible, but one thing I new for certain was that I wanted a drug free, va-jay-jay birth with a good friend as my birthing coach and of course my baby daddy. Funny that no matter how flexible you think you are sometimes even the most hell-bent of us falter. So was my fate. Sigh.

On April 12th around 3:15pm, Danny (my partner in crime and baby daddy) and I were about to leave our humble abode to meet his folks for a pre-birthday din din for his mom. I even put on make-up for the first time in weeks! Well, before we trotted out the door I decided to blow my nose. Now, anyone who knows me knows that when I blow my nose Louis Armstrong's got nothing on me!

So it's no surprise that my trumpeting nose blow broke my water. It wasn't a geyser shooting out my crotch; more like a leak. I cleaned myself up and decided to head to dinner anyway because I read when women have a leak it takes a while for labor to really start. Plus, I really wanted to buy Han a coming home outfit (yeah we waited till the last minute, what?).

This is super long, so click the jump if ya want to keep going...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Allow me to introduce you to my son.

His name is Han. Yes, as in Han Solo. We're huge Star Wars fans. His middle name is Amado after my dad. He was born on the same day as his paternal grandma (different year o' course!): April 13, 2014.

I still plan on doing a "to do (wish) list" update post as well as a birth post. Not sure in what order yet. Probably the latter first since it's been almost 4 months (say what?!) and my memory ain't the best. It's crazy looking back at Han's first-few-days-on-this-Earth photos because he looks so different now! Most notably, he has waaaaaaaaay less hair.

Here's hoping I'll be better at keeping up with this here blog-a-roo since it's really my "baby book" and I want to look back at my lil dude's milestones. Maybe I'll even get another post up before the end of this month - cray cray! However, please don't hold it against me if I don't. Shanks! ;)