Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The bloat, the zipper battle, & the piddling.

Other than the all day queasiness in my first trimester this here pregnancy has been pretty easy.  But by week 24 the easiness eased up and I started feeling bloated...like all the time.  Come to find out my normal meal portions were filling me up, so I cut back.

Then, my clothes stopped fitting.  I mean, I knew that would happen but ugh, so uncomfortable.  I first did the hair tie method, but that didn't last long.  I invested in some leggings (a size up) + a belly band = lifesavers.  I'm bummed I didn't invest sooner, like before I even thought of having a baby.  Dude, I can wear pants without buttoning them!  Sign me up for LIFE.

And finally, the best for last, I piss my pants.  Ok, maybe not like full blown it's running down my leg piss, but so effin' gross nonetheless.  Well, now I'm buying what I like to call "puppy pads" in the same section as Depends.  Thankfully it's not much, but I was looking forward to NOT wearing sanitary napkins for the next 9 months.

I guess I should sort of consider myself lucky in this pregnancy game - I mean at least I don't have burning nipples like my sister, am I right?!  Or hemorrhoids and rashy boobs.  Yikes.  Although peepee pants ain't anything to be thankful for either.  Oh well, it's all part of the process that I openly signed up for, so I just gotta deal and know there's more uncomfortableness to come...yippee!

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