Here are just some of the challenges I've encountered with my now 2-year-old.
- The tantrums. Thankfully mild at this point, but he still throws every now and again. Mostly if you take something away from him that he's playing with {for instance, his daddy's wallet}. Really if we're patient and ask him for it politely - wouldn't ya know - he'll hand it over freely. But let's be real, most of the time we're like:
- The picky eating. This kid, smh. He's mad for bananas since he was 6 months old and now, we're lucky if he'll finish half a banana. Although, I did chop one up today and he ate it all so who knows, maybe he's into 'em again?! Also, it seems unless it's vegan mac & "cheese", veggie dogs, PB&J, or fries he won't eat it. The kid refuses to put anything green in his mouth and yet when we get the report back from his daycare he's eating salad there! WTF, now how does that work?
- Bottle weaning. This isn't so much with him as it is with everyone else telling us to in subtle and not so subtle ways to ease him off the bottle. It's so fucking annoying. He has maybe 2-3 bottles a day and the rest of the time he's drinking from cups. I'm really not that concerned about it. He's barely 2. And yeah, I want him to be fully weaned off the bottle, but we got time. I just want to tell folks to back the fuck up. It's not like I'm feeding him chocolate cake for breakfast or giving him chocolate chip cookies for snacks. The kid is fine and soon enough he'll break his
meth(j/k!) bottle habit.
- Potty training. Technically we haven't started yet, but I just know this is gonna be a challenge. He's sat on the toilet at home and at daycare, but hasn't figured out how to pee in it quite yet. We're looking forward to the day he's potty trained, but the training bit is something I'm not looking forward to.