So at 36 (almost 37) weeks I'm feeling mighty huge, but pretty thrilled that the day I get to meet my lil' dude is fast approaching. I find I'm easily overcome with emotion when I think about holding him, watching his little extremities move about, and hanging out with him and his daddy. We are hoping he arrives on time or late since his pops just started a new job, but the anticipation is killing us!
We had our 3 (yes, 3) baby showers. Well, my family's shower we missed because 2 nights before I popped (literally, I heard it POP!) a left side rib muscle. It hurt and I needed assistance with moving around. I couldn't laugh or cry because deep breaths were excruciating. Basically the whole ordeal sucked, but great labor prep for my man. He was great taking care of me and giving me words of encouragement. I don't know what I would have done without him there.
As for the showers we did make it to, we had a blast (my dad and step-mom were kind enough to bring up our gifts the following Saturday). Baby showers are quite exhausting, but good food and lots of laughs. My soon-to-be-in-laws' family shower took place last Saturday and it was fun. Great food too. My hubs-to-be's uncle made a big frame where we would pose with every guest using goofy props. It was tiring, but fun.
The shower on Sunday was hosted by my friend Lauren and she did a fantastic job with decorations, prizes, and food. She made an amazing vegan ranch and spinach dip, vegan cupcakes, and micro mini taco salad bowls with lentils. So super yummy! We had it at our place and it was nice to show off our digs and the man's hard work. It was also the first party we ever hosted at our place, so that was exciting too. Seeing family is nice, but it was I have to admit having friends around to celebrate our soon-to-be-son was pretty special. They were also the group that pretty much stuck to our registries, so mad props to our compadres!
And not that I'm ungrateful, but the gifts were sub par at best. Barely anyone went off our registries! I can't help but feel annoyed by that. We got tons of clothes! The one thing we didn't need at all since friends have donated a huge amount to us. Oh well. Now it's just about squeezing in time to go through everything and return what we don't need. If I could go back in time, I'd have our hostesses include a "no clothes needed" disclaimer on the invites.
Currently our place is pretty much ready for baby. I plan on taking photos and my next post will include my "to do (wish) list" update (hopefully).